Sight After Dark (S.A.D.) was created in Brooklyn, NY by musicians Sifa.Graffiti and Dan Berg (who met, by chance, at an open mic in Manhattan).
Sifa. Graffiti: Born in the Dem. Republic of Congo, raised in Brooklyn and Rockland County, NY. Vocalist, Guitarist, Musician
Dan Berg: Born in Clearwater, FL. Lives in Brooklyn, NY. Rapper, Guitarist, Producer, Musician.
Our respect and love for the same genres of music, and the groups that have contributed to them, have made us great partners and cocreators.
Our music has brought us to a wide variety of stages and venues including two performances at the legendary Off-Broadway venue, the Triad Theater
Our group along with our music is crisp, grungy, avante garde, nostalgic, trippy, loud, aggressive, vulnerable, knowledgeable and solid. It's for here, for now and all times after.
Genres: Alternative, Rock, Hip Hop, Soul
Years Active: 2019- Present
Label: DIY